Adopting healthy habits

Adopting Healthy Habits

The sooner you adopt healthier habits, the sooner you can get on track to a healthier life. Healthy habits, like eating well and exercising, drastically reduce your chances of developing diabetes and other serious health problems. Additionally, a healthier lifestyle can leave you feeling more energetic and better about yourself. There are four steps to…

How to Recognize an Eating Disorder

The first step in getting help—either for you or for someone you love—is to recognize the signs. The signs vary and are dependent on the type of eating disorder. How to Recognize Anorexia People with anorexia tend to be very good at hiding it, meaning that the disease may become severe before anyone notices symptoms.…

poison prevention

Poison Prevention Tips for Your Home

An array of household items can be extremely dangerous if they are misused or abused. Parents need to take proactive steps to ensure that their children do not get accidentally poisoned. There are several danger zones throughout a house that should be secured by responsive parents. The laundry room is a place where kids are…